Women in STEM "STEMinist Day" tour

Research assistant Taylor Bak also volunteers as the Vice President of Internal Relations for U of Miami’s Girls Inspiring Rising Ladies in STEM (G. I. R. L. S.) group, which organized a “STEMinist Day” event today. As part of this event, Taylor put together a tour of the Cox Neuroscience Annex for the girls of PACE Miami, a “prevention and intervention program that addresses the needs of [at-risk] girls from the ages of 11-17”. The aim of this tour was to inspire these girls to consider STEM careers, occupations that are largely male-dominated and are not often presented as realistic options to school-age girls.

Several female scientists in our facility, including our research coordinator Jenna Perry (standing, wearing pink), lead a Q&A session about potential psychology and neuroscience career paths as well as their own experiences as women in STEM.

Several female scientists in our facility, including our research coordinator Jenna Perry (standing, wearing pink), lead a Q&A session about potential psychology and neuroscience career paths as well as their own experiences as women in STEM.

The tour included a viewing of the Neuroscience Annex’s mock fMRI scanner accompanied by a detailed explanation of brain imaging by facility assistant director, Dr. Ekaterina Denkova (standing at right).

The tour included a viewing of the Neuroscience Annex’s mock fMRI scanner accompanied by a detailed explanation of brain imaging by facility assistant director, Dr. Ekaterina Denkova (standing at right).

Additionally, lab alumna Beatriz Yepes gave a demonstration of the experiments conducted by the BRAIN Group.

Additionally, lab alumna Beatriz Yepes gave a demonstration of the experiments conducted by the BRAIN Group.